Coach Josh Evans

J Evs
June 4th
Tough one here, if we are talking about where I was born; Klamath Falls, OR. If we are talking about where I went to high school; Grants Pass, OR
Playing Experience:
Started as a 6 year old, had a hoop bolted to a tree in my gravel driveway. Not easy dribbling on gravel. Played middle school ball, high school ball, and intramurals in college. (Some of us weren't blessed with height)

Favorite Coach:
Roy Williams. He is very calm, patient, and cares for his players.
Best Move:
Depends on who you ask. But I define "best move" as the one move you will use to get that game winning shot. For me, that's a step back jumper going left.
Favorite Player Growing Up:
Michael Jordan, kind of hard to compete with that.

College Major:
What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up:
Favorite Teacher:
Too many to count. 3rd grade was Mrs. Smith, 4th grade was Mrs. Aten, 5th grade was Mrs. Carr, and my high school English teacher was Mr. Christiansen. All of them showed me that they cared and left lasting impressions.
Best Advice I Was Ever Given:
"Don't ever let other's determine your actions" I like this one because it shows that we don't always need to respond negatively to someone that is being negative. We can be bigger than that.
Favorite Movie:
I love movies, so this is hard to say. I really like "Gridiron Gang", but maybe that's because I just watched it. I like "Déjà Vu", "The Dark Knight", "I Am Legend", and when I was growing up, I couldn't get enough "Indiana Jones".

Favorite Song:
This probably changes every season, or even everyday. I could probably pick one for every Genre. A new group, 'Mosaic' sounds similar to Boys II Men, but they have a show in Las Vegas right now, they are an a cappella group. During Christmas time, it's gotta be "The Jackson Five Christmas Album".

I also like two other groups that have been coming up with some pretty good stuff, "Casting Crowns", and "Nickelback". Other than that, you can always throw on some Stevie Wonder and you won't hear me complaining.
Favorite Book:
"The Shack" by Paul Young
Favorite TV Show:
It was "Boston Legal" but that is no more. I would have to say "House".

How has Sports helped my life:
Sports have taught me: structure, discipline, teamwork, desire to learn, desire to share, value of community, value of hard work, how to deal with adversity, how to overcome flaws and weaknesses, how to be diplomatic, how to focus, how to encourage, how to motivate, how to inspire, how to succeed.
Favorite Teams:
Blazers baby!!!!

Memorable Scholastic Moment:
In college I had a Race/Class/Ethnicity class where we had to present memories of situations where we felt discriminated against, and then us students would recreate the scene, and everyone got a chance to be in the shoes of the person being discriminated against. It taught me to always consider how my actions are affecting other.
What I Always Hated About School:
I always hated cliques. I thought everyone could be friends with everyone. I didn't like how people always stuck with what they were comfortable with, what was normal. Everyone was afraid to be unique, or different. As a result, everyone dressed the same, talked the same, ate the same food, listened to the same music and hung out at the same spots. The people that weren't afraid to stand out, or be unique, are the ones doing amazing things now!
What I Always Hated About Practice:
I honestly can't say I hated a single thing about practice. I knew that whatever I did in practice translated to the game, and if I worked as hard as I could in practice, I was going to do really well in the game.
Hopes for This Season:
My only hope is to see constant improvement. If we can find weaknesses, and turn them into strengths, then we are putting in work.