David Blue

April 22
Portland, OR
Playing Experience:
Jesuit High School, Southern Oregon State University, William Jessup University, Ballin' Ambassadors
Favorite Coach:
Coach K(Duke) John Thompson(Georgetown)

Best Move:
Killer Cross Over and 3-D DRIVE,DRAW and DISH
Favorite Player Growing Up:
Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, and of course MJ

College Major:
Business Management
What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up (other than Pro Baller):
Own my own business or a Teacher
Favorite Teacher:
Herm Schattenberg (Jesuit English Teacher) teacher and
coach I appreciated more after I graduated.
Best Advice I Was Ever Given:
"Perfect Practice makes Perfect."
(Pops always told me anyone can go through the motions, but you only get
better when you practice with a purpose.)
Favorite Movie:
Gladiator, Shawshank Redemption, and Hoop Dreams

Favorite Song:
Champion (Kanye West)

Favorite Book:
Bible, Sacred Hoops (Phil Jackson)

Favorite TV Show:

How has Sports helped my life:
Basketball has paved many pathways and opened several doors throughout my life helping to shape who I am. This has allowed me travel and build friendships over the years. Strong mentors not only assisted with my basketball development, but also my development as a man. I am excited to work with RIB sports and a great team of coaches, to do the same for our youth.
Favorite Teams:
Arizona Wildacats

Memorable Scholastic Moment (passed a test, failed a test, etc):
College Graduation. Memorizing the poem by Edgar Allen Poe "The Raven" my freshman year at Jesuit. (that was hard.)

Thoughts on School:
School was enjoyable and provided a lot of great memories and friendships.
Thoughts on Practie:
Practice was just as fun as the games. Challenging myself to improve everyday made
practice exciting.
Hopes for This Season:
Improve and grow as a team. HAVE FUN!